You win this time!

When i watch Inception...


True story...

Who wears Bob Marley Tshirts!

The Original PedoBear

Smartest man alive!

I love cocaine

Me Gusta!

Can you see it?

Can You See It?

Im Mr.Miyagi

Why are you hitting yourself???

A Real Herp Derp Moment

Grab my arm!!!


Night night!!!

I think we made a mistake...

I Think I May Have Slipped A Step. Where Are Those Dang Instructions....

Tan fail!

Why Would You Do That To Yourself..

The making of you!

That's A Birthday Present I Don't Want!

You are sick!

Drinking water in zero gravity

Drinking Water In Zero Gravity

Go back to your computer!!!

He does!!!

Meme faces


We are doomed!!!

Its a huge purple balloon!