Peter Parker, the alter-ego of the famous superhero, died fighting against his arch-nemesis, the Green Goblin, in the Ultimate Spider-Man comic series. His replacement, Miles Morales is a kid in New York city who decides to become Spider-Man after being inspired by Parker’s death.
This attempt at taking the Spider-Man series in a new direction is an interesting choice, considering that the Ultimate Spider-Man series started in 2000 to do the same thing. Spider-Man has been around for almost 50 years. Marvel Comics decided that the decades of Spider-Man stories had made it impossible to follow the series’ continuity, so it was restarted over 10 years ago, making Peter Parker a teenager again.
This attempt at taking the Spider-Man series in a new direction is an interesting choice, considering that the Ultimate Spider-Man series started in 2000 to do the same thing. Spider-Man has been around for almost 50 years. Marvel Comics decided that the decades of Spider-Man stories had made it impossible to follow the series’ continuity, so it was restarted over 10 years ago, making Peter Parker a teenager again.